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Embracing Whole Wellness

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What is 3D Coaching?

3D Wellness Coaching provides individuals with practical whole wellness techniques such as mindfulness techniques, cognitive restructuring/reframing exercises, and physical wellness accountability. In addition, sessions include guided prayer exercises based on a biblical foundation, if warranted. 3D wellness offers itemized sessions along with a quarterly membership option in a community setting.


3D Wellness is a unique inner healing experience offering a whole health wellness approach to mentorship and consultation based on one’s individual needs (ie: mental, physical, spiritual). Our 3D wellness approach incorporates the considerations of each individual’s mind, body, and soul to help target optimal overall wellness. We believe each individual should feel empowered to set their own goals and have the power and autonomy to pursue those aims. Our wellness approach focuses on helping clients feel hopeful about the future along with teaching stress-reducing skills and techniques to counteract life challenges. 3D wellness is not a counseling session and does not take insurance. Our goal is to offer empathetic support by providing active listening techniques and skillful solution-based conversation.

Individualized sessions are 45-60 mins each and are offered virtually. 3D sessions are scheduled by appointment only. Once you are able to submit and review your scheduled appointment you will have to confirm your appointment by submission of full payment. Please be advised that 3D wellness does not provide diagnosis and may direct you to a competent licensed professional should the need occur.

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